Captivated Paradise #6 “Overdose”


A drug addict plate created from the highest quality porcelain with 24 karat gold is perfect for any special occasion as it is definitely a discussion piece and will definitely be something the dinner guests will remember.

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Part of the award winning series "Captivated Paradise", this piece of highly refined porcelain is beautiful yet somber. "The Overdose" is my favorite in the series as it has the biggest impact emotionally. This piece of art forces you to look at something, which is incredibly uncomfortable to see and a discussion piece. Why are drugs such a problem in the United States, and why is it such a problem here? Other countries have poverty but do not have even close to the amount of consumption. The series shows disparity of wealth as you are looking at something that could be in your mom's fine china cabinet beautiful and of the highest quality, but it depicts something sad and represents a struggle of mental health and poverty. The 24 karat gold rim was a necessity for the series. If you are willing to spend thousands on a plate with drug addicts on them you are exactly who needs to have this conversation. Each piece in the series should be used at events like Thanksgiving. Change has to start somewhere.